
I’ve had a passion for music, language, and analog imagery since my earliest days and, over the past twenty years, have combined these elements in my work under the alias Benoît Pioulard.

As a writer, I craft descriptive narratives for press and promotion — including album one-sheets, artist biographies, and website copy — across a range of genres, including ambient, experimental, electronic, post-rock, pop, and shoegaze. My work has helped promote releases by genre-defining labels like Felte (US), Dauw (BE), Past Inside the Present (US), Morr Music (DE), Sonic Cathedral (UK), and others.

As an analog photographer, I know no greater satisfaction than pairing the right image(s) with a musical work, in order to create a complete artistic and aesthetic statement. Some of my Polaroid SX-70 photos have graced the sleeves of works by zakè, Will Samson, Hotel Neon, Viul, and much of my own catalog.

Please have a look at some writing excerpts and album cover images, and feel free to get in touch about working together on your next project.

Photo by Marcus Fischer